Original WW2 German book - Nationalsozialistisches Jahrbuch (1942)


Original WW2 German book - Nationalsozialistisches Jahrbuch (1942)

Yearbook for the NSDAP in 1942, in this small book all kinds of info could be found, from important dates to medals and rankinsigna.

Stamped "Strassburger Hotels AG"

Hitlers face has been crossed out.


Origineel Wo2 Duits boek - Nationalsozialistisches Jahrbuch (1942)

Jaarboek van de NSDAP in 1942. In dit kleine boekje staat allerlei informatie met betrekking tot belangrijke data, medailles en insignes.

Gestempeld "Strassburger Hotels AG"

Hitlers gezicht is doorgekrast