Original WW2 German Document - Change of date Sportpalast Berlin for a Joseph Goebbels speech (1939)

Item number: 0033555

Original WW2 German Document - Change of date Sportpalast Berlin for a Joseph Goebbels speech (1939)

Goebbels was not able to go to the event on the 9th of June 1939 so they changed the date to a week later. The students that went to this event all got this card, to let the organisation know if they could come on the second date.


Origineel Wo2 Duits Document - Verandering datum evenement Sportpalast Berlijn Joseph Goebbels toespraak (1939)

Goebbels was verhinderd op 9 juni 1939 dus de organisatie heeft het evenement een week opgeschoven, ze vroegen de leerlingen of deze datum prima was.